
Research Article

Correlation of plasma protein from MDS, young and elderly patients by SDS-page

Nathanielly de Lima Silva*, Josiel Nascimento dos Santos, Márcia Santos Rezende, Lúcio Henrique Sousa Pinheiro, Carlos Arthur Cardoso Almeida, Dulce Marta Schimieguel and Danilo Nobre

Published: 11 November, 2019 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 087-088

Summary: Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous group of clonal hematopoietic malignancies characterized by progressive cytopenias, ineffective hematopoiesis, bone marrow hypercellularity and transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Objectives: Identify plasma proteins from MDS patients and from two healthy controls groups (young and elderly) by SDS-Page.

Methods: Plasma from 08 healthy young, 08 healthy elderly and 08 MDS patients were used for this study. Proteins were fractionated, precipitated, used for SDS-PAGE gel analysis, stained with comassie brilliant blue, scanned and bands were analyzed.

Results: It was possible to identify in both, 20% fraction and supernatant, proteins that were differentially expressed in each group. The ones that have showed some clinical relevance. Fibronectin was highly expressed only in the young control group. α2-Macroglobulin was also expressed in both control groups, but it was not expressed in the MDS group. Haptoglobin was highly expressed only in the elderly control and SMD groups.

Conclusion: Protein expression in plasma can be a biomarker for MDS, and may play a key role in the process of aging and hematologic malignancies development.

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